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Bear Canyon Baldy Summit 3Ts Ice House Canyon
ADK Anteater Loop
~22.75 miles. New York. 5 days, 4 nights. Can turn into a 3 day, 2 night trip by camping at Camp Bravo on day 1 (9.62 mi) and at Camp Delta on day 2 (8.45 mi).
All Ireland Hikes
These are the hikes that Brian has typically used during the Ireland trip.
ANF BP - Cedar Glen, Comanche Camp, and Cucamonga and Etiwanda Peaks
Primary trip plan (2 days): Icehouse Can Trailhead to Comanche Camp and side trip to Cucamonga Pk on return
Day 1: Icehouse Can Trl to Comanche 5.1 mi (7.0 via Chapman)
Day 2: Comanche to Icehouse Saddle 1.6 mi, Icehouse Saddle to Cucamonga 2.2 mi, Cucamonga Pk to trailhead via canyon trail 5.7.
Therefore day 1 is 5.1 mi (or 7.0 via Chapman), and day 2 is 9.5 mi with a rather hard 1 mi climb to Cucamonga Pk but some gear could be cached.
Additional 2.1 miles if adding Etiwanda for a total of 11.6 on day 2.
Alternate trip plan (3 days): Icehouse Can Trailhead to Comanche Camp with side trip to Cucamonga and Etiwanda Peaks on middle day.
Day 1: Icehouse Can Trl to Comanche 5.1 mi (7.0 via Chapman)
Day 2: Comanche to Icehouse Saddle 1.6 mi, Icehouse Saddle to Cucamonga 2.2 mi, Cucamonga Pk to Etiwanda Pk 1.0 mi, Etiwanda Pk to Icehouse Saddle 3.1 mi, Icehouse Saddle to Comanche 1.6 mi. Sub-Total 9.5 mi
Day 3: Comanche Camp to Icehouse Can Trailhead 5.1 mi via canyon (7.0 via Chapman)
Whistler Active Task Map
Use this base map to collect data for a new task. Once call is complete, use the export function and "copy to a new map". Rename the new map for the task. Re-open the "Active task map" and delete all the non base map data from this map so it is clean for next task.
"Worm Flows Buttress"
This is our first attempt at Klindt's Worm Flows Buttress Route. Lots of futzing around, and we didn't try his recommended descent to the east, but a doable route, even on Nordic skis.
'ALL 10th Mountain, Alfred Braun, Summit Hut and Grand Hut Routes 2024
These are all the hut routes I know of for the huts listed on (including 10th Mountain, Alfred Braun, Summit, Grand, and private huts). If you have any additions or corrections, please feel free to reach out to me at
The routes are color-coded as follows:
Red: Standard route
Green: Hut-to-hut route
Black: Alternate route
Please note that the Section House to Francie’s route and the Sangree M. Froelicher To Carner's Cabin are potential optios, but I couldn’t find any evidence that it has been completed yet. Similarly, the Sister to Section House route appears viable based on satellite images, but I haven't confirmed it in the field.
0-15 ft topo
Red = 0' above sea level,
Orange = 5',
Yellow = 10',
Green = 15',
01/16/2022 TRAINING
WINTER STORM WARNING IN EFFECT 25 degrees, sunny, wind 12 mpoh nw humidity 33% feels like 14 degrees visibility is 10 miles pressure is 30.04 and dropping
01/27/23-01/28/23 Bikepacking - North Bay Overnight
2 day/1 night bikepacking trip (my first one ever!) to Marin Headlands, Samuel P. Taylor, Natalie Green, across the Richmond bridge, and on the SF bay trail through Richmond, Berkeley, Emeryville to home.
02 :: So Sierra South of HWY 178
(10)*(17) Lightner Pk, Bald Eagle Pk, Nicolls Pk, Onyx Pk #2, Pinyon Pk, Scodie Mtn, Piute Lookout, Sorrell Pk, Mayan Pk, Butterbredt Pk, Cross Mtn, Chuckwalla Mtn, Heald Pk, Black Mtn #6, Red Mtn, Skinner Pk, Weldon Pk
04 :: So Kern County W Hwy 5
(3)*(9) Brush Mtn, San Emigdio Mtn, Eagle Rest Pk, Antimony Pk, Tecuya Mtn, Cerro Noroeste, Grouse Mtn, Sawmill Mtn, Mt Pinos
06 :: Santa Barbara County
(2)*(12)S(15) Peak Mtn, McPherson Pk , Fox Mtn # 1, Cuyama Pk (LO), Lizard Head, McKinley Mtn, Santa Cruz Pk, San Rafael Mtn, West Big Pine, Big Pine Mtn, Samon Pk, Madulce Pk, Hildreth Pk, Monte Arido, Old Man Mtn
07 :: Ventura County
(3)*(18) Frazier Mtn (LO), Lockwood Pk, San Guillermo Mtn, Reyes Pk, Thorn Point (LO), San Rafael Pk, Alamo Mtn, McDonald Pk, Sewart Mtn, Snowy Pk, Black Mtn #2, White Mtn #2, Cobblestone Mtn, Chief Pk, Hines Pk, Haddock Mtn, Topatopa Bluff, Beartrap Bluff
07.06.2021 Baldy Mountain
Nice drive from Sandpoint to the Baldy Mountain radio complex.
Road is in pretty bad shape, but drivable.
08/19/22 Mt. Elbert
Hike from South Elbert Trailhead on CT/CDT to Mt. Elbert trail and summit. Returned via cross country route to Twin Lakes. 13.5 miles total with about 4,500 feet of elevation gain.
10 :: Pacifico Mtn Area
(10)*(10) Mount Emma, Old Mount Emma, Pacifico Mountain, Bare Mountain, Granite Mountain #1, Rabbit Peak #1, Iron Mountain #3, Round Top, Mount Hillyer, Cole Point
10 MI
This is starting at penny. head out on 16 to 14 to 15, take 15 all the way to 21, then to 42 then up 19 (or you can go up 20) then back to 16. Some climbs, some descends, mostly narrow but not 100% single track
10 mile run
Massanutten West Trail Run Saturday, October 17th, 2015
Harrisonburg, VA
10-Mile Day Hike Options
Bridge to nowhere is first choice. After pre-hike if it looks too challenging for the troop, Devils Canyon Dam Truck trail would be the alternate.
CO Trail Segments 4-8, part of my 2022 5-day/100-miler adventure
10th 138 am
re align final route to blue lines as much as possible.
12 :: Mount Wilson Area
(7)#(7) :: Mount Deception, Mount Disappointment, San Gabriel Peak, Mount Markham, Mount Lowe, Occidental Peak, Mount Wilson
12 Day Stanislaus Bell Meadows CE
2 Crews- 12 Days
CS @ Gianelli Cabin TH (with a Day 2 shuttle to Crabtree TH for Crew B)
BC RS @ Emigrant Lake
CE @ Bell Meadow TH
Crew A is red. Crew B is blue.
12 Day Stanislaus Kennedy Meadows CE
2 Crews- 12 Days
CS @ Gianelli Cabin TH (with a Day 2 shuttle to Crabtree TH for Crew B)
BC RS @ Emigrant Lake
CE @ Kennedy Meadows Resort
Crew A is red. Crew B is blue.
12-26 July
multiple trips
mt starr
mcgee loop - red slate, izaac waltz, red & white mt
12/18/22 - Oakland/Sausalito Bike Ride
Bertha and I "circumnavigate" the SF Bay -- From Oakland to Sausalito via the Richmond Bridge, to SF via Ferry, to Oakland via BART and then home on Bertha.
13 :: North of Angeles Crest Hwy 2
(8)*(10) Winston Pk, Mt Akawie, Pleasant View Ridge, Will Thrall Pk, Pallett Mtn, Mt Williamson, Mt. Lewis, Pinyon Ridge, Winston Ridge, Goodykoontz Pk
13 falls
Excellent swimming hole / overnight hike / very cold water
15 :: San Gabriel Valley
(2)*(6) Monrovia Peak, Smith Mountain, Rattlesnake Peak, Iron Mountain #1, Lookout Mountain #2, Sunset Peak
152 Final Project
Aid in new drainage design for this region of Valley Glen, LA, CA (class project UCLA)
16 Day JMT with 2 resupply at reds and Muir Trail Ranch.
17 :: Cucamonga Peak Area
(5)*(8) Sugarloaf Peak, Ontario Peak, Bighorn Peak, Timber Mountain, Cucamonga Peak, Etiwanda Peak, Buck Point, San Sevaine Lookout
1871 Miles Of Summer
33 rides = ~1871 Miles of summer
Early bound:
mm1 ride1 - lunch loops dry
mm3 ride7 - road gulch pass to Glenwood clear
Late Bound:
mm13 ride30 - Glade Park Movie (in 2022 last one was Aug 5)
mm 14 ride32 - Third Flats Dry
19 :: Lake Arrowhead
(7)#(7)S(7) Cleghorn Mountain - Cajon Mountain - Sugarpine Mountain - Monument Peak #2 - The Pinnacles - Mount Marie Louise - Bailey Peak
1970 Yosemite High Sierra Camp Loop
60+ mile backpack loop trip in 1970 between Tuolumne Meadows and Glacier Point. Photos are on my Facebook page at
1987-01 Grand Canyon backpacking
Four-day / three-night 34-mile backpack trip
Day 1: Bright Angel Trail from rim down to and across Colorado River; camped at Bright Angel Campground (adjacent to Phantom Ranch)
Day 2: South Kaibab Trail to Tonto Trail Junction; then followed Tonto Trail west past junction with Bright Angel Trail; camped along Tonto Trail
Day 3: Continued on Tonto Trail; camped at Monument Creek
Day 4: Continued on Tonto Trail to Hermit Trail up to rim at Hermits Rest
1990-10 Adirondack backpacking
did same trip in October 1990 and September 1996: Keene Valley's Garden trailhead about 3.5 miles to camping at junction of Wolfjaw Trail and Woodsfall Trail. Then with day packs hiked 6.5 mile loop going over Upper Wolfjaw, Armstrong, and Gothics with return to camp via Woodsfall Trail. Hiked same way out on third day.
1993-07 Sierras-EchoPass backpacking
Four-day backpacking trip from South Lake to Bishop Pass to Dusy Basin to John Muir Trail (going over Muir Pass) then off-trail over Echo Pass then to Lake Sabina (and hitched ride back to South Lake).
2 Day- Jarrard Gap to Blood Mountain
Day 1: Jarrard Gap to Blood Mountain
Trail: Appalachian Trail Loop (Jarrard Gap to Blood Mountain)
Start Point: Jarrard Gap Trailhead
End Point: Blood Mountain Shelter
Distance: ~10 miles
8:00 AM: Arrive at Jarrard Gap Trailhead and park your car.
8:30 AM: Begin your hike on the Appalachian Trail heading towards Blood Mountain.
12:00 PM: Stop for lunch along the trail.
1:00 PM: Continue hiking up to Blood Mountain, enjoying the stunning views from the summit.
4:00 PM: Arrive at Blood Mountain Shelter.
Set up camp at the shelter or nearby camping area.
6:00 PM: Prepare and enjoy your dinner.
Relax and enjoy the evening with views of the surrounding mountains.
Day 2: Blood Mountain to Jarrard Gap
Trail: Appalachian Trail Loop (Blood Mountain to Jarrard Gap)
Start Point: Blood Mountain Shelter
End Point: Jarrard Gap Trailhead
Distance: ~10 miles
7:00 AM: Wake up and have breakfast.
8:00 AM: Break camp and begin your hike back towards Jarrard Gap.
12:00 PM: Stop for lunch along the trail.
1:00 PM: Continue hiking down the trail, passing through beautiful mountain forests.
3:30 PM: Arrive back at Jarrard Gap Trailhead.
2 Hr Radius
San Rafael
Muddy Creek
Price River
Mill Creek
Possibly a good route for a day out of AV territory.
2.50 mile loop
This is a 2.50 mile loop of mostly paved road that incorporates two two lower bridges over Still Creek. Takes about 50 minutes to walk if you make few stops.
Touring options for day 3 of avy 1 with Chris & Zach Lovell
2/7/24 for Capstone
Macro RAD Plan:
Day1: Fry Canyon day trip. - 3.6 miles
Day2: Backpack NE to the top of Cheesebox canyon. - 7.4 miles
Day3: Cheesebox canyon day trip. - 7.7 miles.
Day4: Backpack N until get into Gravel Canyon, exit after 4 miles in Canyon. - 5.2 miles.
Day5: Continue to Backpack Gravel Canyon for 4.6 miles, hike N 2 miles to the top of the Cowboy Canyon. - 6.6 miles.
Day6: Cowboy Canyon day trip. - 4.2 miles
Day7: Backpack SW to get into the Gravel Canyon, head west in Canyon for 6 miles to Gravel Crossing TH.
The great 20/20 challenge - 2 days 20 miles each on the PCT in the Jefferson wilderness.
2012 & 2013 Grand Canyon
Sierra Club Women's Trip 7 days in 2012, 4 days in 2013 (one day to the bottom, one day to the top)
2015 - RMNP Sept 7th thru 9th
This 2.5 day route takes us to some of the most remote lakes in the park as well as Longs Peak, the highest peak in RMNP.
Planning map for St Peters Traverse (Lena Lake, St Peters Gate, Lake of the Angels, Hamma Hamma Road) based on a GPS/GPX file from a JaysJourneys trip report from 2015-09-27.
2016 Granite Peak
Granite Peak SW approach, coming back down via Fossil lake and the beaten path.
2016 Wapta Traverse
Map of Wapta traverse, from GPX file here
2016 West Eagle Loop hike
Troop 248 Catherine Creek hike with David Curran, Jeromy and Bennett Markwort, and John and Matt Price.
2017 Graduation Trip: Pecos to Truchas
Proposed Date: 5 days
Total Length:32.81-33.62 miles
Total Elevation gain and loss without peak bagging:~+6200 feet,-5700 feet
Total Elevation while peak bagging:~±5800
Total elevation gain and loss:~+12000,-11500
2017 High Adventure Backpack
This was the route we took on our Summer 2017 Backpacking Trip through the Sierra's out of Lodgepole in the Sequoia National Park. We went through Sequoia, and Kings National Parks, as well as the Sequoia National Forest.
2017 Indian Heaven
Difficulty: Easy
Length: 15.0 mi
Elevation Gain: 1,100 ft
High Point: 5,100 ft
2017 Kachess Ridge
Difficulty: Moderate
Length: 13.0 mi
Elevation Gain: 2,200 ft
High Point: 4,600 ft
2017 Navaho Pass
2017 Spring Fling
Green 9.9 mi
Arrow 13.6 mi
Navy 16.5
White 9.8
Water Troughs only on trail during Spring Fling Endurance Rides
2017 Summerland & Panhandle Gap
Difficulty: Moderate
Length: 8.5 mi
Elevation Gain: 2,100 ft
High Point: 5,900 ft
2017 Warner Mountains
Climbed Squaw Peak, Warren Peak, Eagle Peak, Emerson Peak, Bearcamp Mountain, Peak 7942
2017-03-19 Mount Tammany
hiked 3.8 miles with micro spikes up Mount Tammany, Red Dot Trail up, Blue Trail down; Worthington State Forest and Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area
2017-05-29 Passaic River paddling
put-in Chatham (Shepard Kollock Park, 16 Henderson Rd - off Parrott Mill Rd); take-out Livingston, Route 510 / South Orange Ave access
2017-07 Colorado Trip
Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park (South Rim)
Four-Pass Loop, Maroon Bells - Snowmass Wilderness, White River National Forest
Mount Elbert, Saint Isabel National Forest
Longs Park, Rocky Mountain National Park
2017-10-03 Big South Fork
5 mile day-hike Honey Creek Loop Trail and 41.5 mile / 2-night backpacking loop via Brandy Creek Trailhead
2017-10-21 and 22 Upper Delaware River trip
October 21-22, 2017 canoe/kayak trip Upper Delaware River
put-in: Highlands Access, NY; take-out: West End Park, Port Jervis, NY
camping: Buckhorn Natural Area, Delaware State Forest, PA
11.5 miles paddling day-one; 8.6 miles paddling day-two
Also, 5 mile hike to Stairway Falls and Stairway Lake
Mapping out a route on the Georgia Loop for use as the New Zealand Expeditions long training trip.
DRT info from <>
Entered left most TH near Slalom Course. Took Epping Forest Ext, right on Bones up to, left on Tree Beard to, right on VHT to, left on Owl's Maze to, right on SSW to, right on Stormy to, left on Ziggy to where The Den meets it, but we followed field edge, then turned left across smaller field, heading for A-train, but took Gravel Pit road back.
2018-07-08 SBT-GVT-PVT
biking from Route 209/Andover on Sussex Branch Trail to Great Valley Trail to Paulinskill Trail then roads back to Andover
2018-08 OH-KY-WV trip
Ohio: Hocking Hills State Park; Kentucky: Red River Gorge, Daniel Boone National Forest and Natural Bridge State Park; West Virginia: New River Gorge National River, Greenbrier River Trail, Seneca Rocks Trail, Cathedral State Park
2018-09 biking in New York
biked Walkway over the Hudson and Dutchess Rail Trail roundtrip, then
biked Wallkill Valley Rail Trail from Rosendale (Binnewater parking) to New Paltz roundtrip
2018-10-20 Delaware River paddling
Delaware River paddling trip October 20-21, 2018 in Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area; Put-In: Dingmans Access; Camping: Peters (Walpack Bend) site #56; Take-Out: Smithfield Beach; 21 miles
2018-12-04 Gaurdsmen Pass
**PRACTICE** route making for U of U PRTS 2007-001 Avalanche Level 1 starting at Gaurdsmen Pass Road gate.
Utah Avy forecast link
2019 mount rumble tips
The route finding is pretty obvious almost to the summit ridge. From Bombardment, you'll see a 45 degree gully cutting up Rumble's SW face. This is your route. Slog your way up this endless rock chute, stopping to examine or attempt some of the rowdy V0/V1 boulders along the way. You'll eventually approach an obvious notch to your left, just below the ridge. Walk directly up to it, then take a ledge to your right. This route bypasses some fun but unnecessary 3rd to 4th class scrambling up cliff bands. Gain the ridge and hit all the high points, because who knows if the summit register is in the right place. Bask in the glory of the shimmering ocean to the west and colossal glaciers to the east.
Coming back over Bombardment was the real test. I was totally worked by the second time I came over! And this time I opted to descend the scree further toward Pleasant instead of chop more steps. Good idea. I now know that most people use a far easier and sneakier way around the rock glacier... Next time!
2019-06-14 12 Peaks Above 6K
(Balsam Corner), Big Cataloochee, (Big Butt),
Luftee Knob, (Thermo Knob), Mt. Yonaguska, Tricorner Knob
(Mt. Hardison), (Marks Knob)
Mt. Sequoyah, Mt Chapman
Mt Guyot, Old Black
2019-07-04 to 07 Adirondack trip
(1) biking Warren County bike path from Lake George; (2) camping at Putnam Pond Campground and hiking in Pharaoh Lakes Wilderness; (3) canoeing Long Pond and Raquette river
2019.8 Philmont Scout Ranch Starter
Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico. Revised August 12, 2019. Got more accurate Ute Park Fire Zone info from PSR GIS data. Used combined data from PSR GIS file, 2019 new camps (using revisions posted 3/12/2019), and Open Street Map data. Pre-2019 locations are from PSR GIS data. Camps where PSR GIS and Open Street Map data differ by 1000 feet or more have markers for OSM as well. Additional mountain peaks of interest are marked (arbitrarily) from OSM data.
2020 Bear 100
Adapted from Phil Clark's version -
2020 Mountain Mist
Major Changes from previous Mountain Mist Courses:
1. Removal of Warpath-Power Lines-Flat Rock-Goat Hill
2. Addition of Oak Park Loop
3. Addition of Red Gate Loop
2020-02 Vermont trip
2020-02-28 at Rikert Nodic Center
2020-02-29 at Underhill State Park and Mount Mansfield State Forest
2020-03-01 at Craftsbury Outdoor Center
2020-07-27-Wesley Hill Preserve
Heavy infestation of gypsy moths laying eggs on hemlocks on the south side of the gorge between where the red trail crosses the gorge at the cabin and the green mark.
2020-09 Maine Trip
(1) Gulf Hagas; (2) Baxter State Park; (3) Acadia National Park; (4) Camden Hills State Park
New Fork Lakes > Rainbow Lake > Palmer Lake > Summit Lake > Vista Pass > Cube Rock Pass > Dale Lake > Knapsack Col > Titcomb Basin > Island Lake > Jean Lake > Upper Jean Lake > Elbow Lake > Summit Lake > Borum Lake > Heart Lake > Dean Lake > Palmer Lake > Palmer Canyon > New Fork Canyon > New Fork Lakes
2020-10-25 ShipGraveyard
paddled from Carteret Waterfront Park in Arthur Kill to Ship Graveyard and also loop in Great Kills - Little Great Kills
2020.10 - Split Mountain via Birch Lake & Mather Pass
An alternate approach to Split Mountain, in spite of the 2020 season closure of the Taboose Pass & Red Lake trails.
Trip Table & Notes:
Plotted by Ryan B. Lynch <> from a combination of other people's shared routes and my own ideas. Follow this map & route at your own risk. Feel free to reach out with questions or comments :-D
Planning map for laborday backpacking trip in idaho. Eagle Cap Wilderness, Sawtooth Wilderness, White Cloud, etc
Planning map for circumnavigation of Mount Rainier following the Wonderland Trail as well as the potential of going to the high camps (Camp Schurman, Camp Muir)
Green Lake Trailhead to Return Lake
2021 C2C
2021 Crested Butte Ultra 55k
As downloaded from on 2021-08-31
I am not affiliated with the race or race director.
2021 Explorations
Places Carsten (and sometimes Tessa and Cosmo) visit during 2021 hiking season.
2021 FLUT110K Fatass
2021 FLUT110K Fatass (odd year=counterclockwise)
2021 June
A few interesting hikes in lieu of Agnew Meadow start.
2021 NCNP
A route through North Cascades National Park combining the Little Beaver, Brush Creek, Chilliwack, Copper Ridge, and Big Beaver trails.
2021 TRT100, WNC->SVP->RH->WNC
2021 TRT100M, Training Route...
Western Nevada College ->
Kick Ash WAS ->
Snow Valley Peak AS ->
Hobart AS ->
Red House AS ->
Pipeline WS ->
Western Nevada College
2021 xwa v2
2021 XWA Grand Depart V2 with Colluckum alternate
2021-02-21: Ski: Onion valley
Just a quick out and back to check the conditions. Was a bluebird day, but not enough snow to make it good skiing. Should have taken snowshoes instead.
2021-07-02| Mount Olympus
3 days Mount Olympus climb. 2-4th of July 2021. Clear, sunny, hot weather. Added some adventures / exploration of the Terminal Moraine on day 2.
2021-07-03 to 04: Merriam, Royce
Solo overnight tagging Merriam then Royce. Camped at Royce lakes, headed to Royce-Merriam Saddle then tagged Merriam, then Royce via class three routes.
2021-07-06 -- Marble Mountain Wilderness
4 day hike in the Marble Mountain Wilderness -- Red Rock Trail (#5538) to PCT to Wooley Creek Trail to Bridge Creek to Haypress Trail to Sky High Valley to Canyon Creek Trail (#5532)
2021-07-13 -- Trinity Alps Wilderness
4 day hike in the Trinity Alps Wilderness -- Granite Lake Trail to Stoney Ridge Trail (#9W21) to Red Mountain Saddle; return via Four Lakes Loop to Bear Basin Trail to Swift Creek Trail (#8W15)
2021-07-17| Mt Rainier via Emmons-Winthrop
2 days, 1 night climb of Mt Rainier via the Emmons-Winthrop route.
17-18 July 2021.
Spent the night in Camp Schurman.
Decent weather, very strong wind on the summit. Route is thawing out, but still OK.
2021-07-20 -- Sequoia NP
Three night backpacking trip in Sequoia Nat Park -- Alta Trail to the Tablelands, returning via the High Sierra Trail
2021-07-24| Mt Shuksan with NP via Sulphide Glacier
2 days, 1 night summit of Mt Shuksan via the Sulphide Glacier.
24-25 July 2021.
Great weather, good fun. Very large group with some inexperienced people, so took a bunch of time on the Summit Pyramid.
Took a slightly roundabout way via the West Gully while climbing up the Summit Pyramid climb, to avoid congestion. Took the main gully while rappelling down.
2021-07-25 -- Sequoia NP
Four night backpacking trip in Sequoia Nat Park -- High Sierra Trail to Kaweah Gap, loop through Big Arroyo Trail and Black Rock Pass, returning via Redwood Meadow
2021-1108 c2c calcuated edit
editing map, like elevating the whole route by 10 feet. this helps because the trail as it is sometimes disappears on some maps (google studio) and elevating it insures it's visible everywhere.
Level s@ Huntington(4 miles upstream from START):
Levels @ Wabash(2 miles downstream from END):
Planning map for weekend of Feb 5th, including the Olympics, cascade river road.
Map showing the designated parking and uphill travel routes for summit at snoqualmie for winter 2021-2022,
2022 Ideas
Backpacking & hiking ideas for 2022 ...
17 day trip from Cottonwood lakes to Tuolumne Meadows.
2022 NOBO Sierra One-Way
Northbound from Horseshoe Meadows, over Crabtree Pass to JMT, then exit Kearsage Pass/Onion Valley
2022 PCT Report
KML taken from
2022 PCT Report
Imported from KML from
2022 Philmont Scout Ranch Overall Starter
Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico. Revised by Gerald Hinkle Jan 18, 2022. Contains camps, peaks, boundaries, and PSR trail lines. Updated with new camps from the 2021 and 2022 seasons. Primary data sources are PSR GIS data files labelled 2021 and 2019. The 2018 Ute Park Fire Zone boundary is down-sampled from 2019 edition of the official PSR GIS data. Some sites unchanged between PSR 2019 and 2021 data were left with 2019 notation. Also used data from, and some Open Street Map data. Camps where PSR GIS, PhilTrek, and Open Street Map data differ by 500 feet or more have multiple markers. Additional mountain peaks of interest are marked (arbitrarily) from OSM data. For planning use - always consult Philmont-PRINTED maps for final navigation. (Line and icon attribute cleanup 01/20/22)
2022 Philmont Starter Map - NO TRAILS
Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico with NO TRAILS. Revised by Gerald Hinkle Jan 18, 2022. Contains camps, peaks, and boundaries including 2018 Ute Fire Burn Zone. Updated with new camps from the 2021 and 2022 seasons. Primary data sources are PSR GIS data files labelled 2021 and 2019. Ute Park Fire Zone boundary downsampled from 2019 edition of the official PSR GIS data. Some sites unchanged between PSR 2019 and 2021 data were left with 2019 notation. Also used data from, and some Open Street Map data. Camps where PSR GIS, PhilTrek, and Open Street Map data differ by 500 feet or more have multiple markers. Additional mountain peaks of interest are marked (arbitrarily) from OSM data. For planning use - always consult Philmont-PRINTED maps for final navigation. (Icon and text cleanup 1/20/22)
2022 Trail Work Projects
Notes and locations for trail work for 2022. Organize any additional trail adds in it own folder
2022 Wild Fires Near Philmont Scout Ranch
Superimposing publicly available fire incident maps downloaded from Esri ArcGIS online maps. Created April 21 2022. Updated 5/12/2022 @ 1930 EDT. Created by Gerry Hinkle.
2022 Wind River Sandbox
Playing around with possible routes for a Boy Scout Troop backpacking trip for the summer of 2022
2022-04-23 and 24
Day #1: biking from College Park to Alexandria and back via Northeast Trail, Anacostia Riverwalk Trail, through southern DC and National Mall, over the Potomac River and on Mount Vernon Trail. Day #2: biking from Alexandria to Mount Vernon and back via Mount Vernon Trail.
20220327 GA 4K
Out and back to bag Blue Mountain, Spaniard's Knob, and Horsetrough
Planning map for labor day weekend. Includes planning for sisters in or as well as routes in north cascades including black peak, jack mountain.
2023 Adoptable Trails
Trails on the Logan Ranger District that are open to adoption through the 2023 Adopt-a-Trail program - managed jointly by Cache Trails Alliance, Cache County, and the US Forest Service.
2023 Bishop Pass to Whitney Portal
2023 plan for hike Bishop Pass Trailhead to Whitney Portal with resupply via Kearsarge Pass, . If conditions allow, summit of Mt. Whitney from the Trail Crest before returning to Trail Crest and exiting east side to Whitney Portal via Whitney Main Trail.
2023 Collection of Tracks
various tracks
Baboquivari, Cold Creek Trail, Echo Lake PCT, Mount Conness, Wilderness of Rocks, Powerline Trail (south lake tahoe), Pyramid Peak (Tahoe), Freel Peak (Tahoe), Mount Wrightson, The Wart Approach (Tuolumne)
2023 Elkhorn 100
Route of the 2023 Elkhorn 100, Afton to Jackson, WY (subject to change)
2023 High Sierra PCT Bypass
For Pacific Crest Trail hikers concerned about cornices, avalanche, river crossings, difficult resupply, injuries, etc.
Created in April 2023 by local Owens Valley long distance hiker
Payahǖǖnadǖ - "Place of flowing water."
Note: camping and fires are not allowed on Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) property, which covers most of the Owens Valley floor. Obviously this cannot all be patrolled, and camping is done all the time. You're warned. Please don't have fires unless you're in a campground with fire rings. When this valley catches fire it burns fast. Never trespass LADWP fences enclosing aquaduct structures.
Use CalTopo "Public Lands" (checkbox at right) overlay to determine if where you are sleeping is public land or not.
2023 JMT Detours
No guarantee these detours are accurate or passable.
Your safety is your responsibility.
Your experience, abilities, and skill will significantly impact you ability to navigate any of these detours. None of the detours sees the same amount of maintenance or traffic as the JMT.
Questions or comments are welcome on Facebook and JMT groups or direct at
2023 TRs
2023 is the year of the Trail Run. Here's some maps, let's do it.
2023-05-22| Denali via West Buttress in 25 days
A successful summit of Denali in May-June 2023. West Buttress route. Team of 3. Took a total of 25 days (Talkeetna-to-Talkeetna). Unusually bad weather season resulted in a longer than expected expedition.
2023-11-30: Mallory
Failed attempt to hike Mount Mallory - was bitterly cold (-7C), my fingertips were incredibly painful, I had to stop to warm them up every thirty minutes near the end.
20230902-04 - Michael, Eichorn, Clyde Minarets
Agnew Meadow -> Iceberg Lake: 11.61km, +598m, -145m - CLASS 1
Iceberg Lake -> Cecile Lake Outlet: 0.79km, +140m, -3m - CLASS 2
Cecile Lake Outlet -> Summit of Clyde Minaret: 1.06km, +611m, -0m - CLASS 2-4
Summit of Clyde Minaret -> Summit of Eichorn Minaret - 0.41km, +23m, -35m - CLASS 3-4
Summit of Eichorn Minaret -> Bottom of Amphitheater Chute - 0.25km, +36m, -77m - CLASS 3-5
Bottom of Amphitheater Chute -> Summit of Michael Minaret - 0.03km, +44m, -0m - CLASS 4-5
TOTAL - 14.15km, +1,452m, -260m - CLASS 1-5
2023_10 SuperiorTrail
Total Mileage on Map: 109.75
Subtracting the river crossings and the ride I got: 106.3
Total Miles skipped: 3.45
However, my longest day - 22.2mi - I didn't take any shortcuts, so I'm pretty pleased with that! Second longest day I've ever hiked after the 24mi in Wyoming!
Planning map for Annular Eclipse on Saturday, October 14, 2023 in the United States of America or Mexico
2024 - Western Uplands Loop
Planned for:
Trailhead to Ramona to Maggie.
Trailhead to Oak Emergency to Maggie, with a bonus loop around Maggie
2024 CIF2
Preparado por: Raymundo Rosales Martínez
2024 Mar 10 SR plan B
This is the backup course plan if snow conditions are too firm to allow for ungroomed skinning, booting or skiing
2024 NMCE
National Mass Care Exercise with PA-IMT
2024 TSC race #2
pink is 2 hr course
Other sections are green= skin, yellow = boot, red = ski
2024 Wildfires
Alberta Emergency Updates:
BC Emergency Alert:
Call 310-4455 for Alberta wildfire and evacuation information.
Call 1 800 663 5555 or *5555 on a cellphone, or 1 888 336-7378 (3FOREST) for BC wildfire information.
Alberta Emergency Alerts:
Alberta Wildfire Dashboard:
Alberta Wildfire Main Page:
Edson forest area updates:
Other AB forest areas updates:
AB Road Closures:
AB Government YouTube (Press Updates):
AHS Wildfire Resources:
AB Air Quality Health Index:
Alberta Fire Danger Maps:
BC Wildfire Map:
BC Wildfire Status:
BC Air Quality:
Other BC Resources:
Smoke Forecast:
Live Lightning Map:;t=4;s=201;o=0;b=44.06;ts=0;y=53.2882;x=-112.7307;z=7;d=7;dl=5;dc=0;tsc=1;dn=1;tr=0;src=6;
NASA Fire Resources Map:;d:24hrs;@-113.5,54.2,8z
Yellowhead County Map:
Parkland County Maps:
Search your app store for "Alberta Wildfire" and "Alberta Emergency Alert" apps, or similar for your own province.
Notes on data sources:
Hotspots (Asterisks or stars on map):
Fire Perimeter Estimates (Black lines/red shading):
Wildfire Dots:
Alberta Wildfire Data:
Wildfire Dots
See here:
Red: Out of Control
Yellow: Being Held
Blue: Under Control
Orange: Other
Alberta Wildfire Locations (Flame Icons)
See here:
Red: Out of Control
Yellow: Being Held
Green: Under Control
Blue: Mutual Aid - Assistance Started
2024-04-27 and 28 NJ Pine Barrens
canoed Wading River - Hawkins Bridge to Beaver Branch (AMC trip)
camped Brendan Byrne State Forest campground
hiked Batona Trail - Ongs Hat to Pakim Pond
2024-07-17 to 19: Overnight: Lyell Glacier
Overnight to test out La Sportiva Nepal Evo GTX boots and Petzl Irvis crampons. Possibility of peak bagging Lyell Mountain and other peaks in vicinity. Maybe hit other glaciers as well.
Over due Hiker. RP father 1600. Supposed to meet his son at TC Transit Center, 1200
Hike up Fire Warden's trail to Avery Peak, West Peak, and The Horns. Then descending on Horns Pond trail.
20mi beach pond loop
Beach Pond to Deep Pond to Long Pond back to Green Falls Pond back to Beach Pond.
20 y/0 female left group of friends
A family of 5 was camping at site #5 of the Meadow Lake Campground. At approximately 17:00 on April 1st, 2022 the 78 year old grandfather, Dennis Marion, was realized to be missing from camp. The remaining four family members began searching the campground and notifying other campers that Mr. Marion was missing. Your team was paged out at 18:15 and the Incident Commander identified OP01 from 18:34 - 23:00 on 220401.
A co-worker of 32 YOM David Jones reports him overdue. He intended to summit Mount of the Holy Cross via Halo Ridge and then descend the standard route. He was supposed to call his co-worker at 1630 to let him know that he had made it safely down and was on his way home. The co-worker became worried for David after 1700 and at 1823 called SAR. David has lived in Colorado his whole life and had some hiking/mountaineering experience. His co-worker believed he would have not been prepared to stay the night.
23 :: East of Big Bear Lake
(8)*(10) Bighorn Mountains - Granite Peaks - Tip Top Mountain - Mineral Mountain - Meeks Mountain - Black Mountain #4 - Onyx Peak #1 - Three Sisters - Chaparrosa Peak - Wysup Peak
Daniel Hughes was located by a fisherman on 8-12-2023. We conducted an Evidence Search related to his death.
Target tracking for ELT and Form91 flight
25 :: Yucipa Ridge Area
(0)*(7) Allen Pk -- Birch Mtn -- Cedar Mtn -- Wilshire Pk -- Wilshire Mtn -- Little San Gorgonio Pk -- Galena Pk
26 :: Little San Bernardino Mountains
(8)*(10) Eureka Peak, Quail Mountain, Queen Mountain, Ryan Mountain, Mount Inspiration, Lost Horse Mountain, Little Berdoo Peak, Bernard Peak, Warren Point, Mount Minerva Hoyt
26 to Dead Horse
This area is from Highway 26 in Gooding County to the Dead Horse and Tea Kettle Caves, roughly 14 Miles round trip.
27 :: San Jacinto Area
(5)*(10) Indian Mountain -- Black Mountain #1 (LO) -- Castle Rocks -- Folly Peak -- San Jacinto Peak -- Cornell Peak -- Jean Peak -- Marion Mountain -- Suicide Rock -- Drury Peak
28 :: Desert Divide
(1)*(4)S(16) Lily Rock -- Tahquitz Peak -- Red Tahquitz (S) -- Southwell Peak (S) -- Antsell Rock (S) -- Apache Peak (S) -- Spitler Peak -- Palm View Peak -- Cone Peak -- Pyramid Peak -- Pine Mountain #2 -- Lion Peak -- Butterfly Peak -- Rock Point -- Ken Point -- Sam Fink Peak (S)
29 :: South of Hwy 74
(2)*(5) Rouse Hill, Little Cahuilla Mountain, Cahuilla Mountain, Thomas Mountain, Lookout Mountain #1
2nd co-curricular Mt Hiei fire ceremony
This map is the possible routes to get up to Fire Ceremony at Mt Hiei and down again.
The sakamoto cable car is JP's longest and highest. Great Views.
It is a shorter walk down to Yase than back to the cable car and then bus back to kokusaikaikan station. Plus get to see a gem of a hidden temple on the way.
Official hiking map of Hieizan
3 Mile
Snow Cr. Tr. to Ft. Klamath via 3 Mile Cr.
3 peaks
From Devil's Courthouse to Black Balsam along the MST and Art Loeb. Then to Sam's Knob and back to DC
3 Peaks Challenge
Park at Rainy TH and go Golden Horn -> Tower -> Black Peak. One big figure-8
3 Sisters Loop 2018
My planned hike around the Three Sisters in Central Oregon over three days, with a stop at Eileen Lake to scout the fire damage in Linton Meadows
3/4 TLine Trail
Timberline Trail from TLine Lodge to Ramona Falls TH, counterclock
30 :: Santa Rosa Mtn
(7)*(8) Asbestos Mountain, Sheep Mountain, Martinez Mountain, Santa Rosa Mountain, Toro Peak, Rabbit Peak #2, Villager Peak, Rosa Point
36 mile loop
Loop for 0 carbon trip? Bike from Seattle to Rainer, loop, bike back.
4 Day route
wanted as first solo- gonna do with friends (HARD)
4 Mi Loop
Nice 4 mile hike along the Ragged Mountain Trail (western section) and 5 Brooks Trail (Easter Section)
4 Mile Tr. Loop
1.8 miles for the extra
40 mi TN Section
40 mi section from boots off hostel to Damascus VA
Northern part of TN on the AT
4335 Idaho Trip Map
This is the map for the TXST REC 4335 Idaho trip in the sawtooth mountains.
44 Harrigan Creek
Harrigan Creek Trail #44 from ME Gilliland's book, "The Summit Hiker"
46ers Shamablam
~197 miles total (8.81mi + 187.41mi loop). New York. 15 days, 14 nights. Day 1 is a day hike of Esther and Whiteface Mountains, Then drive to Rooster Comb Trailhead and either camp there or sleep in the car in order to enable an early start and parking in the trailhead (for the next 14 days haha). Might be a good idea to leave a note on dashboard since we will be parked for so long.
Make sure to photograph every summit, view or not so upon completion we can register and become members of the ADK 46er club!
4C National Recreation Trail
Topographical map of the 4C National Recreation Trail in the Davy Crockett National Forest (Texas). The trail is roughly 20mi long and is one of the only few long-distance hiking trails in TX. It begins in Ratcliff, TX and ends at the Neches Bluff Overlook campground in Grapeland, TX. There are 2 hunting camps and 1 primitive camp (which includes tent pads, a central fire ring, a water cache, and a 12-person wooden lean-to shelter) along the trail.
4S04 Miami Creek Headwaters
Hiking along the Miami Motorcycle Trails in the Sierra National Forest, searching for old roads and buildings from the 1883 topographic map in the Miami Creek Headwaters area.
5 pass loop
classic 4 pass loop plus willow lake in 3 days, 2 nights
5 Springs w/ Mtns
Mostly TRACK trail system w/ some Forest road, Dbl track & a little Elk trail. GPX track a must for this route
50 Miler
This is my planned backpacking trip for summer 2015.
50 Miler Crimson Canyons Ultra
The 50 Mile route of the Crimson Canyons Ultra. Runners follow several remote ATV trails up to the summit of White Pine Peak, then descend all 18 miles on the Spinal Tap Trail. Then runners complete the 25km Dairy Canyon loop.
5040 Nahmint Traverse
Day 1 hike to camp on 5040 saddle via NW Ridge. Day 2 complete Nahmint Traverse from 5040 and return. Day 3 hike back out via NW Ridge.
50km Spinal Tap Trail Ultra
The track of the Crimson Canyons Ultra 50km in 2020. It starts with a loop up Table Mountain and down Ken's Canyon. It then does a loop out Dairy Canyon and down the new MTB trails. The Dairy Canyon loop also extends South to Flat Canyon and Cathedral Canyon.
52WAV Template
Copy and track your progress by changing the numbers. (D) indicates delisted peaks. Copy by "exporting" in the top left corner and selecting format "Copy to new map".
5km Run
Thus map is for the vent on the 4th Feb 2023
6 Peak Challenge
Bear Mtn, Bill Williams, Humphreys Pk, Kendrick, Mt. Elden, Wilson Mtn
60 km Spinal Tap Trail Ultra
The 60 km route of the Crimson Canyons Ultra. After climbing several remote ATV trails up to the Summit of White Pine Peak, runners descend all 18 miles of the Spinal Tap Trail.
6N32 to 7N23
Historic trail connection between Fish Creek Narrows and Burnt Peak
7 LN burial grounds
some Southern Levantine Late Natufian burial grounds, contextualizing the Final Natufian burial ground at NEG II
Kayak trip starting at Joe Thompson Cabin
38.40977777777778, -121.42803611111111
7985 from 118-1 parking.
8 Day Stanislaus
2 Crews- 8 Days
CS @ Gianelli Cabin TH (with a Day 2 shuttle to Crabtree TH for Crew B)
CE @ Bell Meadow TH
Crew A is red. Crew B is blue.
Gonna be our attempt at an overnighter. Includes the climb to and from the top of old snowy.
9 Peak Challenge
9 peaks across Southern California and back to starting trailhead.
9 Peaks
Possible Route for Nine Peaks Award
9 peaks no shuffle
Wanted to figure out a way to do the 9 peaks challenge without having to car shuffle - here it is.
9 Trails
35 mile round trip running trail in Santa Barbara. One way shuttle hike!
[Colorado][Ouray County/Montrose County] Spruce Mountain, Flat Top, Horsefly Peak
Map showing Spruce Mountain (9,882, Ouray County soft-rank), Flat Top (10,144, Montrose County), and Horsefly Peak (10,347, Ouray County) from the east.
[Colorado][Sangre de Cristo] Cottonwood Peaks
Loop route for Cottonwood Peak (13,588'), Point 13,123, Thirsty Peak (13,213'), Lakes Peak (13,375'), Electric Peak (13,598'), and Mount Niedhardt (12,844') in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of Colorado.
[Colorado][Sawatch Range] Sayres Benchmak, Point 13460 B, 13,300 F, 12,601
Based on Sayres Benchmark, Grand Central couloir GPX. Bags Sayres via Grand Central (could also be done via X-Rated), over to Point 13,460 B, Point 13,300 F, and Point 12,601 before returning to the trailhead.
Pinyon Jay points on Kirtland Air Force Base [restricted access]
05-04-23: saving these for next year, perhaps
a wasatch loop
~36 miles, from Mill D TH. Day 2 can be abbreviated if inclined. North Flagstaff is off trail approach to the summit.
All of the summits on the air peaks I've activated. See my blog for trip reports.
Abajo Bothy Wagon
this is a best guess at the 2019 Abajo Bothy Wagon location and route. I have not done this route yet.
Abbott Lookout
Oregon - Umpqua National Forest - Rogue-Umpqua Divide Wilderness
ABC Trail Map
Trail and features map of Adam Birding Conservancy, a 331 acre privately managed property located in Cold Spring, Wisconsin (just north of Whitewater)
Abisko to Kvikkjokk
This map shows the winter marked Kungsleden using scanned topo maps with TF Recreation layer
above ohara swim spot
take bus 19 from kokusaikaikan station or 17 from kyoto station to ohara and walk to swim spot
Acadia dayhike
Acadia day hike- Bald Peak, Parkman mtn, Gilmore peak, Sargeant Mtn, Cedar Swamp mtn. (Supposedly there is wreckage from a plane crash somewhere on the southern side of Cedar Swamp Mtn... I was not able to find it, but I hope you give it a shot). Try adding a big loop down the East side of Sargeant, around Jordan Lake or up Pemetic, then coming back to Cedar Swamp from Jordan Ridge or Jordan Cliffs trail if you want more mileage.
Acadia Round
Covering 42 named peaks from Seal Harbor to the Village Green in Bar Harbor
Dark Canyon Trip 2016
Achenbach Trail (ND)
Achenbach Trail (ND)
Data from the FKT website
Adamant Range Mountain Resort
ARMR is a theoretical European-style ski resort in the pristine Selkirk Mountains of British Columbia. A brief description can be found below. For more information, please visit the Adamant Resort website!
The Canadian Rockies hold some of the best potential worldwide for the ultimate mountain resort based on geography and weather. After surveying mountains all over the continent (and the world) using topographical/slope steepness data and extrapolated precipitation patterns, this location was decided upon for its vertical drop, slope aspect (skiable slopes mostly face north instead of south), projected snowfall totals and snow quality, varied terrain, and natural beauty. The development is modeled after resorts like France's Les Trois Vallees, Italy's Via Lattea, and Austria's Kitzbuhel (KitzSki). Ski resorts like these, which feature many villages interconnected by expansive ski lift and trail systems, are virtually unheard of in North America (Utah's One Wasatch concept would be the first if it ever garners approval).
The proposed plan includes two large mountain villages (Everly and Loganville) and nine satellite villages; all eleven establishments are accessible by public transportation. The towns will encompass lodging, shops and eateries. All downtown areas are designed to be vehicle-free (in similar fashion to Zermatt) to add to the small-town ambiance and prevent congestion, but will have local transportation in the form of cable cars and buses to help move visitors around. Only full-time residents of the area will be allowed to have vehicles at all; vacationers will need to leave their vehicles in the parking lot in Donald and take the train (or arrive by plane or boat). A system of trains and trucks will move personal items between villages while patients ski during the day for those who are changing lodging accommodations. Some villages will have direct ski-in/ski-out access, and feature trails that weave right between the buildings. Small neighborhoods of custom homes will be available for permanent residents outside of each town and around the region based on demand. All buildings must meet pre-established architectural standards, and neighborhoods will be modeled after private communities like Martis Camp in California's Lake Tahoe region, The Colony in Park City, and Montana's Yellowstone Club. Each town will have a central architectural theme that models different areas of the world of skiing. The town of Everly will include a small college and a local hospital. Night-skiing will be available on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays above the town of Everly on the Northeast aspect of Tabernacle Mountain. A scattering of luxury hotels and lodges can be found throughout the area, some of which are only accessible by ski lifts or helicopters. The resort will also feature a few golf courses. Two trams transport sightseers to the peaks of Adamant Mountain (10,974') and Mount Sir Sandford (11,545') for extraordinary views of the resort and surrounding mountain wilderness. Design and construction of all infrastructure, buildings, and ski lifts will be done in the spirit of environmental conservation to minimize impact, and the resort will develop renewable energy sources to work toward a zero net-energy presence.
Three large subranges of the Selkirks will be involved in the ski lift infrastructure. A sizable portion of the area is covered by snow year-round. Based on data collected for nearby Valemount Glaciers Resort, natural snowfall should easily be able to cover areas above 4,000'. Similarly, CMH's Adamant Lodge (which sits at an elevation of approximately 3,000') usually has adequate powder for winter activities. Artificial snowmaking will be used to cover slopes along Kinbasket Lake (where the lowest elevations can be found) when needed. Due to the sheer size of the resort, entire areas can be closed when snow coverage is spotty without really affecting the overall availability and diversity of terrain. The lift system was designed to add as much skiable area as possible. British Columbia is known for its glades skiing, and many forests will be left untouched (apart from lift construction) for those seeking a more natural experience. In addition, private cat-skiing will be available to guests who desire it; areas that are not lift-served will be open to these types of operations. A ski school will be located just outside of Kirkwood (Red Carpet and Snoopy's Park lifts) for beginners. Terrain parks are scattered throughout, including an area above Everly which will be open for night-skiing and competitions.
The region will become a tourist hotspot similar to nearby Revelstoke during the Summer, with activities such as mountain biking, hiking/backpacking, and boating on Kinbasket Lake. Backcountry and traditional camping will be available as well. Summer glacier skiing will be available in the Forbes Glacier Bowl above Vallee de la Cascade.
ARMR is far larger than any existing resort on Earth and includes a vertical drop that tops all but Chamonix. Relevant statistics for the entire establishment can be found below:
-Lift-Served Vertical = 9,002' [Cloud 9 Tram (11,496'), Sullivan Line (2,494')]
-Total Number of Lifts = 175
-Total Length of Lifts = 222.61 miles
Statistics regarding the ski area itself:
-Total Skiable Area (Approximate) = 161.22 square miles
-Lift-Served Vertical (Skiable) = 8,021' [Pioneer Lift (10,515'), Sullivan Line (2,494')]
-Largest Continuous Skiable Vertical = 7,930' [top of Pioneer Lift (10,515') to Down The Hatch to Newton's Theory to Corner Pocket to Valley Forge to Meadows to base of Swan Bay Connector (2,585')]
-Total Number of Ski Lifts = 171
-Total Length of Ski Lifts = 219.547 miles
-Total Vertical of Ski Lifts = 357,811 feet
-Total Number of Trails = 1,018
-Total Length of Trails = 1,021.556 miles
-Total Vertical of Trails = 1,244,714'
-Total Area of Inbound Glades = 8,171 acres
-Total Length of Night-Skiing Trails = 22.0 miles
-Total Length of Summer Glacier Skiing Trails = 9.89 miles
Projected costs for a project like this are immense, and the combination of lack of funding, government roadblocks, and competition from established resorts nearby basically guarantees that plans like this will never be brought to fruition. The principles on which it was designed, however, are replicable. If the North American ski industry ever has a chance of rivaling its European counterparts, resorts of this style will be what evens the playing field.
Disclaimer: I have never visited the area that this resort encompasses. All decisions made for where trails and lifts could be constructed were based on mapping software. The area is already used for backcountry skiing by Canadian Mountain Holidays (CMH) and the Alpine Club of Canada, which both operate lodges here; claims from those organizations and personal accounts from their respective beneficiaries support the idea that this region has great potential for ski resort development.
Adams Farm
I enjoy the White Trail at Adams Farm, but find the current trail marking confusing. My notes here are an effort to unscramble it for myself and then hopefully to help others.
Addicks Res 2 rides
MLK Holiday and last day of 2022. Flat as hell, but on the trail you wouldn't know your in the 4th largest monsteropolis in the country.
Adirondack 4 peak loop
summit dial, nippletop, colvin and blake from the AMR off of RT 73. reservation is needed to park at this trailhead
Adirondack 6 Peak Loop
summit haystack, basin, saddleback, gothics, Armstrong and upper wolf jaw from the garden trailhead
As of 9/12/2024:
Researched 299 mountains in Adirondack Park, in addition to:
32 other features (lakes, falls, roads, etc) in Adirondack Park
5 peaks outside of Adirondack Park
Adirondack Peaks Climb Tracker
379 peaks in list
7 trailed peaks left to do which are open; 2 bushwhack to-do
1 left to do which is not open yet (Cathead)
=> 371 Adirondack peaks climbed as of 8/4/2024 (223 trailed; 148 bushwhacked)
ADK Ass Kicker
LGR, Sawteeth, Indian Head, Colvin, Blake, Nippletop, Dial
ADK Gothic Nipples
~19.53 miles total. New York. 3 days, 2 nights. Be aware of AMR rules and High Peaks Wilderness rules.
ADK high peaks loop
ADK high peaks loop based on
ADK LOJ to Lake Arnold
3 day and 2 nights trail to redfield/cliff, trail to colden from lake arnold and collect table top on hike in
3 day trip in Adirondack high peaks
Adding various to Mount Marcy hike
ADKS Clusterfuck
35.5 miles. New York. 7 days, 6 nights. Alternate plan: Complete in three days by camping at Camp II on Day 1 and Camp V on Day 2.
Adrian Bear Lake
Plan for hiking and possibly riding near bear lake during AIARE 1 course.
ADT-WV-Seg-2/3 Alternate Route
This suggested alternate route has not been verified as passable, but is suggested due to the dangerous nature of pedestrian traffic on rt 38 through Barbour County WV
ADV: Rabbit - Gateway - Rabbit
This ride was exceptional. Wound up doing it in 2 days starting on 5/15/19. Ran into a few snow banks around 8,900ft between Gateway and Grand Junction near the Divide Forks campground. There was also a rock slide on the Nitch road, but we were able to ride right through it.
Adventure Hiking Trail Packrafting
Some options for packrafting near the Adventure Hiking Trail in southern Indiana. Potato Creek is never boatable except maybe at high flood. Not sure about Indian Creek. I published a Youtube Video of a route here. Feel free to email me at for more info.
Africa Hut
Route to Africa Cabin from Beaverlac Campsite
Allegheny Front Trail - DC UL Mar 2021 group 1
Agnew to Yose xc
Agua Dulce Loop
Agua Dulce Loop - 6.2 mile loop in the Laguna Mountain Recreation Area
See more at
AIARE 1 course with High avalanche danger
This is a map as part of the homework for AIARE 1
This is the actual route we took on day 2 of our AIARE course.